Behavioral Health Testing
The Alpine Pediatrics Behavioral Health Team provides a number of psychological assessment services. The main reason for psychological testing is to identify or clarify a diagnosis and for treatment planning purposes. Often, this includes identifying the presence of disorders such as depression, anxiety, behavior disorders, ADHD, or autism-spectrum disorders. Once a disorder has been accurately identified, appropriate recommendations for treatment and intervention can be made. These recommendations may include therapy, referral for medication, school interventions, or other behavioral treatments.

The Alpine Pediatrics Behavioral Health Team also conducts evaluations for Autism Spectrum Disorders and other Developmental Disorders. If you have specific questions or concerns about assessment services for your child, please do not hesitate to contact us regarding your child’s needs. Testing measures are generally completed by parents and the child, are empirically validated measures, and are reviewed by a clinical psychologist. Results are provided to the parents in a timely manner.